Virtualbox Guest Additions Windows 10

Access the virtual machine's menu and go to devices and click: 'Install Guest Additions CD Image'. Go to My Computer (This PC in Windows 10) and open the Guest Additions CD drive under the Devices and drivers section. Right click on VBoxWindowsAdditions and select Run as administrator. The Guest Additions Setup Wizard will start automatically. How to Setup Guest Additions for Windows Guest in VirtualBox 6.0.4 Step 1. After setting up a new VM with Oracle VBox click on Devices and then Insert Guest Additions. If the Software setup wizard does not start, click on This Computer. In the Oracle VM Additions setup wizard.

  1. Oracle Virtualbox Guest Additions Windows 10 Download
  2. Vboxguestadditions.iso
Active1 month ago

I am trying to install VirtualBox guest additions on Windows 10 technical preview, and am getting the following error:

I imagine I am not the only one having this issue, is there any way to force it to install?

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3 Answers

Use of Windows Compatibility settings (or use /force) will not work: installer will run, but with no real effects.

Install VirtualBox 4.3.18 or newer. It has improved compatibility with Windows 10.

Note: Menu Help >Check for updates may not reflect the newest as being the latest. Download it manually instead.

Windows Host: Download from Virtualbox Download page for latest.

Ubuntu Host: run the following commands to register the repository with the package manager and update from it:

If you prefer, you can install the oldest virtualbox-5.2.

According to your distribution, replace xenial with any other Ubuntu release, like zesty, yakkety, xenial, vivid, utopic, trusty, raring, quantal, precise, stretch, lucid, jessie, wheezy, or squeeze.

Others: Check the download page here.

Rael Gugelmin CunhaRael Gugelmin Cunha

It's a preview version, so I suspect it's doing naive version checking. An update for VirtualBox or Windows 10 should do the trick eventually.

For now, right click on it, select Properties, the Compatibility tab, and select Windows 8 compatibility there. Much easier than using the compatibility troubleshooting I did initially.

However, the drivers don't actually seem to work once installed, so an update would probably be needed. (Can't believe I actually missed that.) Once again, it's a preview version, and it doesn't quite work right.

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Journeyman GeekJourneyman Geek
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protected by nhinkleOct 2 '14 at 16:17

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For testing purposes I always have a VirtualBox machine with the latest Windows 10 build. I installed Windows 10 build 10041 and faced an issue that the VirtualBox video driver did not work in it. So I couldn't get mouse integration, auto-resize option for the guest display, clipboard sharing and so on. Thankfully, it is very easy to fix this issue.

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As you might have noticed, the latest versions of Oracle VirtualBox come with Windows 10 support. The appropriate template is available in Windows and Linux versions of the VirtualBox software:
However, after you install VirtualBox Guest Additions, the video driver does not work. That's because this Windows 10 machine template has video acceleration disabled, so the driver can't be installed and the virtual video device cannot be recognized.

Oracle Virtualbox Guest Additions Windows 10 Download

You just need to change it.

  1. Turn off your Windows 10 VM.
  2. Open its settings and go to the Display section on the left. There you need to tick both checkboxes in 'Extended features:'
  3. Click OK and turn on your VM.

It will install and activate the proper driver automatically.
You will get all missing features. You are done.

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RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance