View Exe Manifest

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  2. View Exe Manifest Software
  3. View Exe Manifest Pdf

Files with the.manifest extension are used to update older Windows programs. These files enable the associated programs to be used with the Windows XP or Windows Vista user interfaces. The reason for the creation of the MANIFEST files is that older versions of Windows have a different look than the newer versions that are released by Microsoft.

M Dump manifest-n Only show file version number-q Quiet (no banner)-r Check for certificate revocation-s Recurse subdirectories-u Show unsigned files only-v Csv output. Here is an example. We'll use the sigcheck tool on notepad. C: tools sigcheck.exe-m c: Windows otepad.exe. Sigcheck v1.63 - File version. Hi all, I have a Smart Client app that uses the Composite UI block. There are multiple 'modules' that the application uses that are not directly referenced by the main.exe project. As a result, the publishing process does not recognize these as dependencies. Since I cannot directly manage (i.e. Here is a working solution for an MSBuild project.

Active3 years, 9 months ago

This question might seem to be duplicated with this and this that are similar. But it is not! First- I am getting this error from the setup file and not from the program that I am distributing Second -the version is different, the directories in Installshield 2009 an 10.5 differ. .

I'm trying to fix an error caused by Windows compatibility mode in my setup, which is built with Installshield 10.5. So far my research led me to a conclusion that i need to add [this][3] to my manifest file. I saw that Microsoft's tool mt.exe could extract a manifest file from a dll, however I did not see anywhere that it can extract it from an executable file. So my questions are the following:

Is there any way to view the manifest file of a Setup.exe built with Installshield?


Is there any way to configure this manifest file for the certain project in Installshield?

[3]Can one edit an InstallShield setup.exe's manifest file?

Alexander DemerdzhievAlexander Demerdzhiev

1 Answer

As far as I know, mt.exe will work fine on EXE files; both EXE and DLL files are Portable Executable (PE) files, and PE files use the exact same structure for resources such as the manifest. Visual Studio, CFF explorer, and countless other tools (including raw resource APIs) will also work to view and possibly update manifests in general.

However for a built InstallShield setup.exe, there is a twist. InstallShield uses areas in the file to store information that are not described in the PE format. Tools that update the resources on an EXE can inadvertently destroy this data as they do not expect it to be there, nor do they know how to detect or adjust it.

InstallShield 12 or so and later allow you to specify a manifest, and it selects the manifest from files it ships that you can update before it adds them to the setup.exe. In addition, there is a tool called ISReMan that is aware of the extra information and can update the manifest correctly when that data is present.

By the way, it's generally helpful to mention the actual problem you're trying to solve, in case the method you've chosen (in this case updating the manifest) is not the correct solution. Note as well that InstallShield 10.5 is over 10 years old, and knows nothing about UAC, PCA, and other Vista and later technologies; adjusting the manifest may not help fix, say, an elevation-related problem.

Note as well that I am paid to work on InstallShield, so I may be biased when I recommend things like upgrading. :)

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Michael UrmanMichael Urman
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Active2 years, 11 months ago

Is there an easy way to read an application's already embedded manifest file?

I was thinking along the lines of an alternate data stream?

Brian R. Bondy
Brian R. BondyBrian R. Bondy
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9 Answers

Windows manifest files are Win32 resources. In other words, they're embedded towards the end of the EXE or DLL. You can use LoadLibraryEx, FindResource, LoadResource and LockResource to load the embedded resource.

Here's a simple example that extracts its own manifest..

Alternatively, you can use MT.EXE from the Windows SDK:

Roger LipscombeRoger Lipscombe
58.5k44 gold badges199 silver badges322 bronze badges

You can extract/replace/merge/validate manifests using the command line manifest tool, mt.exe, which is part of the Windows SDK:

EDIT: I found the tool in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv6.1bin

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21.3k6 gold badges46 silver badges63 bronze badges

Open the file in Notepad. The thing's in plain text.

7,1483 gold badges27 silver badges52 bronze badges

There's a manifest viewer tool available here -- I don't know if the author will make source code available.

2,5651 gold badge24 silver badges52 bronze badges

Resource Tuner would be nice if it supported x64 code, but as of today it's still only for 32-bit apps. Resource Hacker (the newest public beta) does support both x86 and x64 which is available from here:

The easiest way to view/edit manifests in compiled apps is using Resource Tuner:

In some cases, it's more robust than mt.exe from MS, and it's a visual tool.

View Exe Manifest 1


Working a bit from Roger's code, here's the code that I use. It assume that the Manifest is at id #1. I guess this is the default for .exe. See the comment by Wedge, you may have to also check id #2 if you're working with DLL.


Fix this problem by deleting the developers license (*_TemporaryKey.pfx) from the project or change Name of .pfx .

Ivan Ferić

View Exe Manifest Software

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Rahul TripathiRahul Tripathi

As a side reminder: remember that manifests can also be standalone files with the same name as the app (extended by '.manifest').

So if you want to check out which manifest is really used at runtime, this must be taken into account.


View Exe Manifest Pdf

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