Pdf Files Advantages And Disadvantages

Sometimes when you download a document from the Internet, you’ll notice that it arrives in a .PDF format. You may have also noticed that it’s hard (if not impossible!) to edit it, and it requires its own reader to open. For newer users, this may seem like a confusing choice of document file type. Why do people use PDF files? Wouldn’t something like a .DOCX file be better?

In truth, PDF files are very useful at what they do! They’ve been a way of sending documents digitally for a long time, and see no sign of going away soon. So, why do people use PDF files when sending documents, and where can you use them in your daily life?

Related: How to Save Files as PDF in Windows 10 without Additional Software

The Benefits of PDF Files

Disadvantages of AVI Files: 1. Compressing AVI files beyond a certain degree can result in bad quality or loss of quality of the video. If you want to retrieve and play the file you will have to utilize the same codec you used then you will need the same codec to be installed on the system. Although flat file database system is the legacy database concept but you are amaze to know its still used in some modern system include Microsoft Windows and Linux for storing of system configuration. Let explore the flat database system advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Easy to understand. Easy to implement.

To explain, let’s go back to the question of “won’t .DOCX files be better.” The problem here is assuming that everyone would be okay with using a DOCX file on their devices. DOCX is a file extension that originated from Microsoft Word. If other people want to open the document, they either need to use Word, or use a text editor that can open/import DOCX files. Even if they can, the formatting may get jumbled up in the process. This makes things a little tricky for making sure everyone can read the document.

Thankfully, a lot of operating systems have full support for PDF documents. This means we don’t have to create one document especially for Microsoft Windows users, one for iOS, one for Linux – we can just put it into a PDF file and everybody can read it.

When to Use .PDF Format

As such, the best time to use a PDF file is when you have no idea what operating system the file is going to be opened in. Say you’re writing up a handbook for a website for users to download. This website can be visited by people on Windows, iOS, Linux, and mobile devices, so we need to accommodate for everyone’s needs. In this case using the .PDF format appeases everyone without making things complicated.

Even better, when people download the handbook, it can open automatically within the user’s browser. Browsers such as Chrome and Firefox have built-in PDF viewers, so people can read your document quickly and easily.

It’s also great when you’re sending documents via email. When you want to send a document (such as your resumé) to someone, you could use a DOCX file to do this. This may be fine if the recipient is on their PC, but if they’re out and about on their phone, it can be tricky for them to read the document. In this situation you might want to attach a PDF version to cover all bases.

Related: How to Create A PDF With Fillable Forms in LibreOffice

Pdf Files Advantages And Disadvantages

Drawbacks of .PDF Format

If someone’s ever sent you a document in .PDF format and you wanted to edit it, you’ve already experienced one of the major drawbacks! In order to be displayed on multiple operating systems, a PDF file is more like a digital capture of the original document than an actual one. As such, editing a DOCX file versus a PDF file is somewhat like editing the text on a whiteboard versus editing a photo of said whiteboard. It’s possible, but a lot trickier!

When Not To Use .PDF Format

Don’t use .PDF format when you want a “live document” that others can edit. You can add editable fields to a PDF file, but for full-scale editing, .PDF format is not ideal. Hopefully, if you’re working with others, you’ll know what operating systems they’re using and can agree on a filetype that suits everyone. At the very least, everyone can use a cloud-based document service, such as Google Docs. Save PDFs for when you need everyone to be able to read a document; don’t use it when everyone should be able to edit it.

Document Decisions

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Pdf Files

Given how different they are from other documents, it can be confusing as to why .PDF format is used at all. Now you know why and how they’re used, as well as some cases where it’s better to leave them be.

How much do you use PDF files in your daily life? Tell us below!

To secure data on a hard drive, you can encrypt the drive. Full disk encryption (FDE) is one of the most common encryption methods. In this article, we will expose its 6 pros and cons.

Full disk encryption (FDE) is a drive encryption way at hardware level. Most users are familiar with encryption software but unfamiliar with FDE. FDE is widely-used on laptops in that they’re at risk of theft. If your laptop drive doesn’t use FDE, thief can easily remove the drive and read it even he doesn’t have your laptop password. But, if your laptop drive is configured with FDE, the above case is impossible. In a nutshell, full disk encryption contributes to data protection a lot. But, it also has some drawbacks. Now, in the followings, we will talk about the 6 pros and cons of full disk encryption.


1. Enhance Data Security

Without any doubts, one of the most critical merits is strengthened data security. Full disk encryption uses strong encryption algorithms to encrypt drives on your PCs, thereby protecting all data stored in the drives. With FDE, even though the drive is removed from the current computer and put into other devices, the drive data is still inaccessible if without a correct key.

2. Auto Encrypt Data

Besides, unlike file or folder-level encryption, full disk encryption (FDE) encrypts the data as soon as it’s stored to the hard drive. In other words, this encryption process is completed automatically. Hence, it’s much more convenient than file or folder encryption, which demands you to manually select which file or folder to be encrypted.

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3. Avoid Encryption Errors

Disadvantages Of Using Computers Pdf

On basis of the above point – fully automatic encryption, another virtue of FDE is that it can avoid encryption errors. As we all know, to some extent, user mistakes are inevitable. Hence, if you encrypt drive data manually, perhaps you may make some mistakes. But this can be evaded in case of FDE.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Coal


1. Not Protect Data in Transit

Yet, full disk encryption still has its own drawbacks. The first one is that it cannot protect the data in transit. To be specific, if you are sharing data between devices or sent data through emails, then the data in transmit is not being protected. Hackers can steal it with ease.


2. Slow down Computer

Moreover, in case of full disk encryption, the entire drive is encrypted. Under this circumstance, every time when you try to read the drive data, the authentication key is demanded to decrypt drive data. Apparently, this process will slow down your computer.

Pdf File Type Advantages And Disadvantages

3. Complicate Data Recovery

Like other kinds of encryption, a shortcoming of full disk encryption is that it complicates disk data recovery. Just think about this. If encrypted data was able to be recovered with ease, there would be no sense for encryption. So, it is definitely difficult for data recovery, such as single file recovery like PST recovery.

Pdf Files Advantages And Disadvantages Management

Author Introduction:

Advantages Of Pdf

Shirley Zhang is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including mdf fix and outlook repair software products. For more information visit www.datanumen.com