Microsoft Yahei Ui

Download Microsoft YaHei font at, the largest collection of amazing freely available fonts for Windows and Mac. Similar fonts for Microsoft YaHei UI from Earn some karma by doing it:-) Answer & Help Thousands of designers (famous or not) use the font detection from image system to find a font or similar free fonts from an image. Although we have the largest database of fonts, the search for a font from an image gets mixed results like the image above.

Active3 years, 11 months ago

Will I have copyright problems with Microsoft if I add the @font-face CSS3 property in my commercial webpage with the font: 'Microsoft YaHei Bold' (The Cleartype Chinese font for Windows Vista).?

pnutsMicrosoft Yahei Ui
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1 Answer

It looks like it's better to be careful:

From Microsoft Typography - Font Redistribution FAQ

List PDF List of AutoCAD Commands. G GRAPHSCR Switches from the text window to the drawing area GRID Displays a dot grid in the current viewport GROUP Creates a named selection set of objects H HATCH Fills a specified boundary with a pattern HATCHEDIT Modifies an existing hatch object HELP. To use this command simply type LIST on the command line then press enter and select the object from drawing area about which you want to know and press enter again. This command was introduced in AutoCAD 2016 version and it can be used to make most of the dimensions like Linear, aligned, radius, diameter and baseline. 3D Commands 3D Creates three-dimensional polygon mesh objects 3DARRAY Creates a three-dimensional array 3DCLIP Invokes the interactive 3D view and opens the Adjust Clipping Planes window 3DCORBIT Invokes the interactive 3D view and enables you to set the objects in the 3D view into continuous motion 3DDISTANCE Invokes the interactive 3D view.

Q. What can I do with the fonts supplied with Microsoft products?

Microsoft Yahei Ui Light Font Download

A. The fonts are governed by the same restrictions as the products they are supplied with. You are not allowed to copy, redistribute or reverse engineer the font files. For full details see the license agreement supplied with the product.

There is the option of 'embedding' fonts:

Q. Can I embed Microsoft fonts in my documents?

Google Earth Pro on desktop is free for users with advanced feature needs. Import and export GIS data, and go back in time with historical imagery. Download Google Earth in Apple App Store. Google earth pro full download.

A. Embedding allows fonts to travel with documents. Most fonts distributed with Microsoft products allow embedding. To check a font's embedding permissions, right-click on the font file and choose 'Properties'.

I strongly doubt distributing them as font-face is seen as embedding them into the document, because the font resource is downloaded in full, as a separate entity. I would still check with MS first, especially if you have any kind of notable exposure (big company etc.).

Microsoft Yahei Ui Regular

Pekka 웃

Microsoft Yahei Ui Free Download

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Microsoft Yahei Ui Bold Font Free Download

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330c3f5Jul 9, 2019
7 contributors
import { IRawStyle, IFontWeight } from'@uifabric/merge-styles';
import { IFontStyles } from'./interfaces/index';
// Fallback fonts, if specified system or web fonts are unavailable.
const FontFamilyFallbacks =`'Segoe UI', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif`;
// Font face names to be registered.
exportnamespaceLocalizedFontNames {
exportconst Arabic ='Segoe UI Web (Arabic)';
exportconst Cyrillic ='Segoe UI Web (Cyrillic)';
exportconst EastEuropean ='Segoe UI Web (East European)';
exportconst Greek ='Segoe UI Web (Greek)';
exportconst Hebrew ='Segoe UI Web (Hebrew)';
exportconst Thai ='Leelawadee UI Web';
exportconst Vietnamese ='Segoe UI Web (Vietnamese)';
exportconst WestEuropean ='Segoe UI Web (West European)';
exportconst Selawik ='Selawik Web';
exportconst Armenian ='Segoe UI Web (Armenian)';
exportconst Georgian ='Segoe UI Web (Georgian)';
// Font families with fallbacks, for the general regions.
exportnamespaceLocalizedFontFamilies {
exportconst Arabic =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Arabic}'`;
exportconst ChineseSimplified =`'Microsoft Yahei UI', Verdana, Simsun`;
exportconst ChineseTraditional =`'Microsoft Jhenghei UI', Pmingliu`;
exportconst Cyrillic =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Cyrillic}'`;
exportconst EastEuropean =`'${LocalizedFontNames.EastEuropean}'`;
exportconst Greek =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Greek}'`;
exportconst Hebrew =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Hebrew}'`;
exportconst Hindi =`'Nirmala UI'`;
exportconst Japanese =`'Yu Gothic UI', 'Meiryo UI', Meiryo, 'MS Pgothic', Osaka`;
exportconst Korean =`'Malgun Gothic', Gulim`;
exportconst Selawik =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Selawik}'`;
exportconst Thai =`'Leelawadee UI Web', 'Kmer UI'`;
exportconst Vietnamese =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Vietnamese}'`;
exportconst WestEuropean =`'${LocalizedFontNames.WestEuropean}'`;
exportconst Armenian =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Armenian}'`;
exportconst Georgian =`'${LocalizedFontNames.Georgian}'`;
// By default, we favor system fonts for the default.
// All localized fonts use a web font and never use the system font.
const defaultFontFamily =`'Segoe UI', '${LocalizedFontNames.WestEuropean}'`;
// Mapping of language prefix to to font family.
const LanguageToFontMap = {
ar: LocalizedFontFamilies.Arabic,
bg: LocalizedFontFamilies.Cyrillic,
cs: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
el: LocalizedFontFamilies.Greek,
et: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
he: LocalizedFontFamilies.Hebrew,
hi: LocalizedFontFamilies.Hindi,
hr: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
hu: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
ja: LocalizedFontFamilies.Japanese,
kk: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
ko: LocalizedFontFamilies.Korean,
lt: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
lv: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
pl: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
ru: LocalizedFontFamilies.Cyrillic,
sk: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
'sr-latn': LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
th: LocalizedFontFamilies.Thai,
tr: LocalizedFontFamilies.EastEuropean,
uk: LocalizedFontFamilies.Cyrillic,
vi: LocalizedFontFamilies.Vietnamese,
'zh-hans': LocalizedFontFamilies.ChineseSimplified,
'zh-hant': LocalizedFontFamilies.ChineseTraditional,
hy: LocalizedFontFamilies.Armenian,
ka: LocalizedFontFamilies.Georgian
// Standard font sizes.
exportnamespaceFontSizes {
exportconst mini:string='10px';
exportconst xSmall:string='10px';
exportconst small:string='12px';
exportconst smallPlus:string='12px';
exportconst medium:string='14px';
exportconst mediumPlus:string='16px';
exportconst icon:string='16px';
exportconst large:string='18px';
exportconst xLarge:string='20px';
exportconst xLargePlus:string='24px';
exportconst xxLarge:string='28px';
exportconst xxLargePlus:string='32px';
exportconst superLarge:string='42px';
exportconst mega:string='68px';
// Standard font weights.
exportnamespaceFontWeights {
exportconst light:IFontWeight=100;
exportconst semilight:IFontWeight=300;
exportconst regular:IFontWeight=400;
exportconst semibold:IFontWeight=600;
exportconst bold:IFontWeight=700;
// Standard Icon Sizes.
exportnamespaceIconFontSizes {
exportconst xSmall:string='10px';
exportconst small:string='12px';
exportconst medium:string='16px';
exportconst large:string='20px';
function _fontFamilyWithFallbacks(fontFamily:string):string {
return`${fontFamily}, ${FontFamilyFallbacks}`;
exportfunction createFontStyles(localeCode:stringnull):IFontStyles {
const localizedFont =_getLocalizedFontFamily(localeCode);
let fontFamilyWithFallback =_fontFamilyWithFallbacks(localizedFont);
const fontStyles = {
tiny: _createFont(, FontWeights.regular, fontFamilyWithFallback),
xSmall: _createFont(FontSizes.xSmall, FontWeights.regular, fontFamilyWithFallback),
small: _createFont(FontSizes.small, FontWeights.regular, fontFamilyWithFallback),
smallPlus: _createFont(FontSizes.smallPlus, FontWeights.regular, fontFamilyWithFallback),
medium: _createFont(FontSizes.medium, FontWeights.regular, fontFamilyWithFallback),
mediumPlus: _createFont(FontSizes.mediumPlus, FontWeights.regular, fontFamilyWithFallback),
large: _createFont(FontSizes.large, FontWeights.regular, fontFamilyWithFallback),
xLarge: _createFont(FontSizes.xLarge, FontWeights.semibold, fontFamilyWithFallback),
xLargePlus: _createFont(FontSizes.xLargePlus, FontWeights.semibold, fontFamilyWithFallback),
xxLarge: _createFont(FontSizes.xxLarge, FontWeights.semibold, fontFamilyWithFallback),
xxLargePlus: _createFont(FontSizes.xxLargePlus, FontWeights.semibold, fontFamilyWithFallback),
superLarge: _createFont(FontSizes.superLarge, FontWeights.semibold, fontFamilyWithFallback),
mega: _createFont(FontSizes.mega, FontWeights.semibold, fontFamilyWithFallback)
* If there is a localized font for this language, return that. Returns undefined if there is no localized font for that language.
function _getLocalizedFontFamily(language:stringnull):string {
for (let lang inLanguageToFontMap) {
if (LanguageToFontMap.hasOwnProperty(lang) &&language&&lang.indexOf(language) 0) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
return (LanguageToFontMapasany)[lang];
function _createFont(size:string, weight:IFontWeight, fontFamily:string):IRawStyle {
return {
fontFamily: fontFamily,
MozOsxFontSmoothing: 'grayscale',
WebkitFontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
fontSize: size,
fontWeight: weight
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