Install Bootcamp Drivers Windows 10

I updated my dual boot windows 7 to windows 10 by going to the Microsoft install process. After that I had a Windows 10 install with older drivers. If you did the same then the above will not work due to that bootcamp is already installed.

Unless you want to install a whole load of other drivers, copy just these two files to a folder on a drive that will be available in Windows. In Windows, create a restore point (optional) Run BootCamp.msi from an elevated command prompt (right-click and 'Run as administrator'). Regardless, what you could do is forget traditional Boot Camp methods. Burn the Win 10 iso to DVD. Extract the Boot Camp files and either put them on a flash drive or another optical disc. Re-partition the disk. Alt Boot and choose the Win 10 disc, install. Look in Device Manager and use the extracted Boot Camp drivers to complete the hardware setup. Open the Boot Camp folder (or, on newer versions, the WindowsSupport folder) on the USB flash drive. Then double-click Setup (or setup.exe) to begin installation. When you're prompted to allow Boot Camp to make changes, click Yes. Click Repair to reinstall or update the Windows support software installed by Boot Camp.

Installing Windows on a Mac should be a piece of cake with Bootcamp, but that rarely is the case. In fact, I would personally say that Boot Camp Assistant is one of the worst apps that comes with OS X and unlike the rest, it doesn’t work seamlessly. Jan 23, 2017  How to install Windows 10 on a Mac using Boot Camp Assistant. Running macOS Sierra is super-easy using Boot Camp Assistant. In this tutorial, we. How to update such BootCamp drivers leaves a lot to be desired. Apple Software update in OS X will not reveal the updated BootCamp drivers. Apple Software update in Windows will not reveal the updated BootCamp drivers. This is the definitive method to install the latest BootCamp drivers (on 'approved' Macs) in Windows 10.

Active2 years, 4 months ago

I installed Windows 10 on my 15' Retina Macbook Pro. Once installed, I attempted to install the BootCamp drivers but it keeps getting hung up on the Realtek audio driver. I even left it overnight thinking it was just really slow but still no luck.

Anyone have trouble with the install and/or know what could be the issue here?


  • BootCamp 6
  • 2013 15' Retina MacBook Pro
  • OS X El Capitan
  • Realtek Driver 2.84

I attempted to install the drivers individually, boot the BootCamp launcher that allows you to reboot into OS X and the Apple Touch Pad driver is not installed properly. The touchpad does not allow for scroll or right click.

Bryan Saxon
Bryan SaxonBryan Saxon

4 Answers

Install Bootcamp Drivers Windows 10 Handy Cam Sony

I had the same problem as well. The issue seems to be that the Bootcamp software is looking for the correct Realtek drivers, but can't find them so it just hangs. To fix it, manually install the drivers from Realtek while the Bootcamp setup is running. Then, go to Task Manager, find the Setup process, right click and press Go to details. Then find the RealtekSetup.exe process and kill that. Bootcamp setup will now skip that step and continue installing the rest of the drivers. And since you downloaded the realtek drivers manually, you now have those as well.

Using dats and tools like romcenter and others you can verify and rename your roms (and disks or whatever)according to their convention (if they're listed in your dat-files) Unless you're downloading from sites who offer their sets according to Tosec anyway, e.g. I'm not that knowledgeable, certainly not about it's history, but I think Tosec is basically some sort of renaming and database-project. Tosec-sets are probably complete, meaning they cover every release for that system (at least every you will find in the internet). Offline

For more info see this thread on apple discussion forms.

'I don't know if it's magic (magic or fantasy, the fantasy of the movie screen) or reality (this time-space reality I'm living).' Se josh groban lyrics. It takes a lot of guts to take on these big Italian songs like 'Se'.-Daniel. Also, Josh Groban's first language is American English, as such, his rolling of his Rs in Italian and Spanish is somewhat minimal at times, sounding more like a Spanish letter 'de' or 'ele' now and again. I definitely agree that it's 'magia o realta' ' this makes total sense in the context of the poetry of the lyrics here. This being said, I love Josh Groban.

According to @Pi, it is unnecessary to download the Realtek drivers. Just kill the RealtekSetup.exe process, let the installation of the rest of the drivers complete, and then run this RealtekSetup.exe process from list of software included in the Bootcamp drivers. You can find this executable at /BootCamp/Drivers/Realtek/RealtekProcess.exe.

Brad FrostBrad Frost

Brad Frost's answer seemed to work for many.But when I killed (End Task) the process, the whole Bootcamp windows setup failed.The solution that worked for me was to remove the Realtek folder from BootcampDrivers and then run the Bootcamp setup. Then the complete setup was successful.Then the Realtek audio drivers can be installed manually from the removed folder.


I found the fix to this problem. I installed Win10 on my 15inch Macbook pro with bootcamp. I tried several times and bootcamp on windows hung up on Realtek installation each time. Follow these steps to fix:

  1. Go to Bootcamp folder, find Realtek, and install manually (double click Realtek setup.
  2. Go to Task Manager - Click details - find the Realtek task - end task (DO NOT END THE ENTIRE BOOTCAMP TASK)
  3. Installation will continue
  4. All is right in the world.

Bootcamp Windows 10 Drivers Reinstall

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First of all thanks to every1 for sharing your views,i have faced this very exact problem about installing realtek sound driver in bootcamp,every time bootcamp just hangs,and the only simple trick to this very annoying issue is to kill the realtek installation task by entering into your task manager,just kill the process and the bootcamp installation will b completed successfully and after that you can install the realtek driver manually by entering bootcamp folder and the problem is gone.Enjoy :)

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Girija HalderGirija Halder

Install Bootcamp Drivers Windows 10 Download

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