Exe Error Repair

Repair Your EXE Errors Fast: If you are looking to rid your exe errors, the fastest and easiest 'risk free' method is by using professional software applications provided by industry leaders. The following links below will lead you to applications that can easily fix and prevent common exe errors. Execute your.exe and if everything loads well, so you do not have space occupied in dll libraries that you do not need or use, use the.exe program with all your options and without closing the.exe you do is erase all the.dll that you just copied next to the.exe, so if those.dll are being used by your program, the system will not let you. That’s when you need to run a good quality registry repair program that will remove empty keys, remove corrupted entries and repair broken shortcuts. Run the program, reboot your computer and your explorer.exe errors should be gone for good. At some point, Windows started launching internal services from.dll files instead of.exe files. However, it is not possible to launch.dll files in the same way.exe files are started, so developers created Svchost.exe (Service Host).

  1. Free Pc Error Repair
  2. Ekrn.exe Error Repair Tool
  3. Sxstrace.exe Error Repair Tool Download
  4. Repair Exe File
  5. Explorer Exe Error Fix

At some point, Windows started launching internal services from.dll files instead of.exe files. However, it is not possible to launch.dll files in the same way.exe files are started, so developers created Svchost.exe (Service Host). Winword.exe is the executable file name for Microsoft Word which is used when Word is launched. The word WinWord stands for Windows Word (Microsoft Word). This software component is also used by other applications such as Outlook when attachments are to be viewed either in Outlook or in another.

One day you might be using your computer, and after installing a piece software or you are recovering and trying to cleanup the system from a malware attack, there might be a few issues which stop the computer running properly. One of the common problems which malicious software or a faulty install can leave behind is the system not being able to run any programs, and you receive an error when you try to launch a program such as your web browser or Word etc.

Windows can’t open this file:
File: [name.exe]

This happens when your system no longer recognizes that when you double click on an executable (.EXE) file it should launch the program and not be opened by another program like a text file or image would for example. A corrupted .EXE association will then stop you running any programs until the system has been told to execute the file when you open it. Another related common error message you could receive is:

This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action…

Because these errors can stop you running tools such as Regedit, Task Manager and even the Command Prompt as they’re all executable .EXE files, fixing it is quite often not as easy as it might seem. Sometimes other associations may also have been affected, so you may not be able to import something like a .REG file into the registry to fix it. Obviously, the first and most important file extension to fix is the .EXE extension. Once this sorted and working, you are able to run the registry editor and other tools to start repairing other broken extensions. Here’s a selection of ways for fixing .EXE extension issue and get your programs launching properly again.

Getting to the Command Prompt

If you are trying any of the fixes below that require the use of the Command Prompt, you might not be able to get to it because you would obviously have to type cmd.exe into a Run dialog or run the cmd.exe shortcut from the Accessories Start menu. There is however, a simple trick to get around this without needing to do anything like renaming files in the Windows folder. Follow the instructions below.

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc simultaneously to bring up the Windows Task Manager.

2. XP users can skip to step 3. The extra step needed for Vista, 7 and 8 is to run an elevated Command prompt or you will receive an “Access denied” message when typing in the commands. In Task Manager click the Processes tab, then click on the “Show processes from all users” button at the bottom. If you don’t have the button and only a tick box you should already have administrator rights.

3. Click the File menu and move the mouse cursor over to New Task (Run…), but DON’T click it yet. Now press and hold the Ctrl key while left clicking on New Task (Run…) to bring up the Command Prompt.

Step 1: Repair Registry Entries Associated with Error 1068. Step 2: Conduct a Full Malware Scan of Your PC. Step 3: Clean Out Your System Junk (Temporary Files and Folders) With Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr). Step 4: Update Your PC Device Drivers. Step 5: Utilize Windows System Restore to 'Undo'. Error 1068 windows 7. Aug 19, 2011  I am not able to start certain services to get wireless connected. In Device Manager the adapter shows working properly. The WLAN light is on. Start Windows.

Tip: The method of using Ctrl+Shift+Esc to access Task Manager is also quite helpful when you have a rogue antivirus program on the system that launches itself every time you try to run an executable. Running a program via the New Task (Run…) option will let you run an executable file even though the rogue is intercepting file executions. As Task Manager is also usable, any suspicious or known processes can be killed and then one of the below files to restore the executable file type or a malware removal tool can be used.

1. Repair using a .REG file

If the EXE association is not too badly damaged, you may be able to repair it by importing the correct values into the registry. Simply download the below file (make sure you right click and select Save As) for your o/s and double click it to import into the registry.

Download Vista and 7 EXE Fix.reg

Download XP EXE Fix.reg

If you cannot import the .REG file because Windows cannot find the registry editor, then try importing from the Command Prompt using the method above to open a CMD window. Type the following command:

REG IMPORT [drag and drop the .reg file onto the CMD window]

Now try out your .EXE files, a reboot won’t be needed to see if it has worked or not.

2. Repair using Another Executable File

Although it may seem counter intuitive to most people, executable files can still be launched even though the EXE association and file type might be broken. This is because there are other types of executable file such as .COM and .SCR which could still have working associations and therefore files with those extensions will still launch.

The files below were created from the .REG files in the previous solution with a handy little tool called Reg2Exe which we’ve written about before that simply turns a .REG file into an executable. There will be no interaction after you run one of these files, simply try an executable .EXE file afterwards.

Download Vista 7 EXE Fix.com Download Vista 7 EXE Fix.scr

Download XP EXE Fix.com Download XP EXE Fix.scr

Alternatively, the people over at BleepingComputer have created a utility called FixExec that will fix the .EXE, .BAT and .COM file associations in Windows XP up to Windows 8. It will also terminate any malicious processes found in typical areas where malware might launch from which could try to reset the associations back again to non default.

Simply run the tool and if it detects any wrong associations, FixExec will repair them for you. There are separate 32-bit and 64-bit versions available along with pre-named .COM, .PIF and .SCR versions.

Download FixExec

There are several more solutions for broken file associations on Page 2.

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7 Ways To to Remove a File Extension Association in WindowsRestore Missing or Corrupted Folder Options Advanced Settings Caused by a Virus4 Methods to Reset System and Hidden Attributes for Files or Folders Caused by Virus8 Tools to Restore Task Manager, Regedit, CMD and Folder Options After Being Disabled by a Virus5 Ways To Backup and Restore the Windows Registry or Selected Hives

Thank you very much, this solved my problem!

Prateek7 months ago

Amazing, I was able to recover my system after being messed up by AVG TuneUP


that’s what fix the problem

indrani1 year ago

This is a life saver. thank u so so so much for this .


Thank u so much sir, steps mentioned by you really solved all the problems in a minute. i have just one query now. The file that i just downloaded now to fix reg shall be deleted or kept safe. Will deleting this fix undo the fixes too?

Yoga Wahyu Pratama2 years ago

Thanks broh, its very help me ;)


Superb! Thank you very much sir.

Ricky3 years ago

Awesome directions .Well done . Worked just fine


Thank you SO much for this. I messed with the registry editor because one of my .exe files wasn’t opening, and it ended up messing with everything. I thought I was going to have to reinstall Windows or do a system restore. Such a simple fix, and you made it so easy to follow.

Patrick4 years ago

I absolutely love you. I was being stupid and got some virus trying to download a show. The fixexec program saved my computer and my rear end. Thank you so much.


I was in total panic mode as I had to get a lot of work done and suddenly the “.exe” files decided they didn’t want to work anymore! Thank so much for the simple explanation and solution – the problem got fixed instantly .

Julian C4 years ago

TY so much for this east to understand and in depth description tried several other sites and none of them went into the detail needed to get that problem fixed


I tried multiple fixes from so many sites, running 32 bit window 7. I tried registry scripts, and Microsoft fix it – I was at my wits end. I tried the unhook inf file. I found a shortcut to a webpage I had, opened the internet that way, got the inf file and right click installed. It was magic.
Thank you so much!

YASH YADAV5 years ago

Thank you so much.FixExec program is very helpful in repairing .exe files and.bat files thank you very much


Ray, I don’t care what everyone else says, I say that you’re bordering on a near Saint-like level and I feel truly blessed to have found your site and the .exe fix was an absolute beauty!! 5 different angles to attack the blighter from, all well presented with clear, concise, idiot-proof (as I live and breathe!!) instructions that solved the problem and got me back on my feet and ready for the next disaster that my limited computing prowess will inevitably lead me to. So thanks again Ray, it’s a near certainty I’ll be back here again soon, in a sorry state of disrepair and in need of some of your expertise. Take my word on it folks, it worked for me so I fail to see why you’ll be any different?! I’ll be back, you can bet your house on it!!! Or maybe someone else’s????

Phil5 years ago

Although the issue I had did not get resolved using this method, this did allow me to fix the problem of a virus on my system. You had a step here which allowed me to pull up a disabled antivirus program from a command prompt which was able to remove the problems on my pc. I couldn’t even get to a command prompt till I read this article because none of the exe files on the pc I was working on would start. Good read, and thanks for teaching me a new trick.


if anyone is looking for a good software program to repair execution files or corrupted icons Microsoft Fix it 50194 worked perfect for me. Again thank you for this site god bless you.

Datguy5 years ago

You are the greatest I searched for hours and would do many sites and finally found the information I needed here keep doing what you doing I give you a big thumbs up thank you.


Outstanding! Thank you so much!

Andrew5 years ago

Thank you soo much !!!!!!! I delete .lnk out of my computer :D :D and you repairt it !!!! THANKS !!


thank you thank you you you
it took me 10 days to see so explanation about fixing a pc I did not fix my pc yet
but this looks so hopefull I think if I see this than is my pc also fixed
thank you again
and o yeah this page is gonna be my home page to never search for solution atleast I hope

Andrew5 years ago

Thank you so much))


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! It took me 6 hours to come across your site…. THANK GOD I DID!!!!! LIfe saver…. Please continue to post resolutions to computers issues. I greatly appreciate you. Aug 2014

Neil Watkins5 years ago

thank you so much for these links, i thought i’d broken my laptop by altering the .exes -.- really saved my bacon thankyou!


You are such a good man!

mohsin5 years ago

thank you you are greatest person in the world


Thanks so much man you are ONE

Dharmesh6 years ago



Thanks so much just hope I don’t get viruses

mohammad7 years ago

thank you


thank you

marcelo7 years ago

Exellent! thank you very much!!!!!!!!!


thanks man …….you saved my life thanks a lot

Emanuele Peruzzi8 years ago

Great Man! you saved my life, and a lot of wasted time…


I greatly appreciate your effort into helping others in need. I, myself, had problems associating files. Thank you for this helpful tip, Sir.

Nicksharan718 years ago

thanks for your excellent help


Thank you so much for the tips to restore my files. You are the best.


Tenmiles8 years ago

This is a great tip; thank you!


Wow, It’s work. Thank you very much. (^_^) [Thailand]

kim8 years ago

thanks a lot you very helpful


After working over 14 hours trying to figure out how to get this .LNK problem I had no luck. Now with this info I have the regedit.exe working. Thank you so much!! Now I am trying to fix things in the registry. This has always been no mans land for me but I will try. I did find an enormous number of files in CLSID with many digits and alpha characters following next to the file folder. I assume they must all be removed.

Vidhya S10 years ago

Thanks a lot… it worked for me…


thank for your help!


Free Pc Error Repair

Tom10 years ago

Raymond, you saved my life! I am on social security and don’t have a lot of money, so when I got the problem of all my .EXE files turned to .LNK, and I couldn’t open anything but My Documents and Internet Explorer, I thought I was going to need to spend a small fortune to get the problem fixed. I looked up and down the web for help, and your’s was the only one that looked promising. So I tried it, step-by-step, just like you said and presto! Works like a charm. After I did it, I was finally able to do a system restore (which I couldn’t do before to save my life), and I’m back like the problem never existed… and I had already arranged for someone to stop by and take a look at it for $100! A hundred bucks I couldn’t afford. You are the greatest. I am going to recommend you to EVERYBODY! Thank you!


wonderful idea. really helpful

Liam10 years ago

You really saved the day for me, instructions were clear, solved my problem nice and quickly, thanks again

Exe error repair



STUMBLED! Another awesome post, I have learned so much from this blog.

sachin12 years ago

this is a powerful tools


Hey, awesome trick.

Knysliux00112 years ago

That trick to load command prompt from task manager is awesome!
Several years ago studying cmd I realized the possibility to compromise the system by simply changing associations. Although I only tested it on virtual machine. This thing is still very funny for me! :D


good one!

MR712 years ago

I had this problem with a customer’s computer some time ago and I’ve fix it with the same website. It was perfect, the customer needed her computer as soon as possible, and I solved the problem in 15 minutes…


Wow! This article is pretty good also. :)
One thing: If CMD.exe regedit.exe and taskman.exe are all deleted/modified so they won’t work… Then how would you do it? My hypothesys would be to get a friend to either copy his cmd, regedit, and taskman to a floppy or usb stick and give it to you to boot up in safe mode to copy the file to the correct folder then hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc and hold in ctrl and go to File and select New task then you can do everything stated in the article, but with a different cmd.exe.

Joel12 years ago

Good job, Raymond, This is in great help.


Great job raymond!

Shamsul Akmal Ahmad12 years ago

A very useful info Raymond. Good job.


If only you had posted this entry 7 months ago, I wouldn’t have to resolve this issue by reformatting. Anyway, good job =)


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The Runtime Broker process in Windows 10 is responsible for managing permissions for apps from the Windows Store. At times, due to some faulty applications, it starts utilizing 100% CPU.

In this simple guide, you will learn how to effectively reduce the CPU usage of runtimebroker.exe.

Our topics

  • 1 Fixing a RuntimeBroker.exe Error in Windows 10
  • 2 Runtime Broker Error Conclusion

Fixing a RuntimeBroker.exe Error in Windows 10

Your computer’s performance drastically falls due to the existence of the Runtime Broker error. You can check the status of the CPU usage any time by tapping Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager and see the CPU usage.

The quickest and simplest method for temporarily solving this problem is to simply terminate the runtimebroker.exe process from the Task Manager. To do that:

  • Open your Task Manager and navigate to Processes
  • Look for Runtime Broker from the list of processes running
  • Once found, right click on it and then click on End task
  • Reboot your PC once the process is closed

However, this method is temporary and the problem will return after a short time, probably after the next reboot. In that case, follow the methods below to effectively kill the runtimebroker.exe error permanently.

Disabling “Show me tips about Windows” in Windows 10

Many users have reported that disabling “Show me tips about Windows” in their settings has immediately dropped the CPU usage of Runtime Broker and also prevents the process from using too many CPU resources. To disable “Show me tips about Windows”:

  • Open Settings on your Windows 10
  • Then click on System and then click on Notifications and actions on the left sidebar
  • Finally, toggle the “Show me tips about Windows” option to off

Once done, reboot your system and open the Task Manager to check the CPU usage again. If the error still exists, then try the next method.


Disable “Updates from more than one place” feature in Windows 10

Just like in the previous method, users reported that disabling the “Updates from more than one place” feature stops Runtime Broker from using 100% of the CPU. In order to disable this feature in Windows 10, follow the steps below:

  • Go to Settings on your Windows PC
  • Look for the Update and Security option and then click on it
  • From there, click on Advanced options
  • Then tap on the Choose how updates are delivered option
  • Finally, toggle the switch to Off under the heading “Updates from more than one place”

Once done, reboot your PC and check whether the CPU usage of Runtime Broker has gone down or not. If you still see the error, then proceed with the next method.

Disable Background Applications

If the above two methods didn’t work for you, then you might as well disable the background apps in the settings. This will cause your CPU to take less load, enabling your CPU usage to go down. To do that:

  • Open Settings on your Windows 10 PC
  • Then open Privacy settings
  • Look for the Background apps on the left pane of the window
  • Toggle all the running apps to off

Close the settings window and open the Task Manager to check the error status. If the error still exists, try the next method.

Install All Available Windows Updates

If all the previous methods did not work for you, then it’s time to step up your game. We all know that Microsoft is constantly updating Windows system files. The solution to your runtimebroker.exe error might be as simple as updating your system files.

To check and install your Windows updates:

  • Click on the Start button
  • Search for Updates in the search bar
  • The Windows Update dialogue box will open
  • If you see any available updates, then simply click on Install Updates to install them

Check if the error still exists. If it does, proceed to the next option.

Clean Up Your System Junk With Disk Cleanup

Regularly using your computer for a long time accumulates a lot of junk files within your system. If this junk is not cleaned regularly, it can cause your CPU to respond slowly, decreasing the overall performance of your CPU.

Ekrn.exe Error Repair Tool

Cleaning up the junk files from your computer might not only fix your runtimebroker.exe error but also dramatically speed up your CPU’s performance. To run the Disk Cleanup tool on your Windows PC, follow the steps below:

Sxstrace.exe Error Repair Tool Download

  • Open your Start menu
  • In your search bar, type “Command” but don’t hit Enter yet
  • Now hold Ctrl + Shift and while holding them press the Enter key
  • A dialogue box will be prompted asking for permission; click on Yes to proceed
  • A black box will appear with a blinking cursor
  • Type “cleanmgr” and hit the Enter key
  • The Disk Cleanup on your Windows will begin and will calculate the amount of space you can reclaim
  • The results will be displayed with a series of checkboxes; usually the box with “Temporary Files” will have the most occupied space
  • Check all the categories of boxes you want to clean and click Ok
  • The Disk Cleanup will clean all the files and you are good to go

If no other method solved the problem, this one should solve your runtimebroker.exe error.

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Runtime Broker Error Conclusion

If your Runtime Broker process suddenly starts using 100% of your CPU resources, then you can conclude that your Runtime Broker process is defective and needs to be fixed in order to improve your computer’s performance.

Also, in many cases, Windows shows a runtimebroker.exe error because of faulty or corrupted system files. This can lead to possible CPU issues, like low performance and not being able to freely navigate within settings and other administrative sections of your computer.

Moreover, if not taken care of quickly, runtimebroker.exe can also be the cause of viruses invading your PC, causing more harm than you expect.

Repair Exe File

You can use any of the methods mentioned above to free up your CPU resources to ensure that the Runtime Broker process works properly. Repair the runtimebroker.exe error for better performance of your Windows PC.

Petr is a serial tech entrepreneur and the CEO of Apro Software, a machine learning company. Whenever he’s not blogging about technology for itechgyan.com or softwarebattle.com, Petr enjoys playing sports and going to the movies. He’s also deeply interested about mediation, Buddhism and biohacking.

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